Our innovation commitment keeps us at the forefront of training technology, offering efficient and realistic training for law enforcement professionals.

Proprietary Technology

checkRecoiling Sim Guns, Pepper Spray, and Tasers that mimic the realistic weight and functionality.
checkVirtual Shooting Range with individual shooting bays that accomodate video based instructions, shooting drills and qualifications.
checkDynamic Scenario Environments that create a 720 degree training experience where threats can appear from above, below, or behind the trainee. Our system allows live actors to react in real-time, ensuring unpredictable situations that mirror real-life encounters.
checkAfter-Action Review (AAR): Analyze your performance with comprehensive data and video review to identify areas for improvement.

Safety Measures

checkDesignated Lockers for Concealed Carry
checkUnarmed Safety Zones
checkMetal Detector Screening
checkNo live firearms allowed within the training environment