Train for the Unexpected

Our environments put your officers in real-world settings – from mall shopping centers to dimly lit hallways. Threats can emerge from any angle, replicating the unpredictable nature of real-life encounters.

After-Action Reports

Our proprietary technology captures movement, concealment, communication, and every aspect of performance. Post-training reviews allow for in-depth analysis and precise corrections, maximizing the impact of each training session.

Customizable Scenarios

We produce scenarios to your learning objectives and specified story lines at our expense, and since we do it all in house with no corporate red tape, we do it quickly.

More Training in Less Time

Scenario-based training for less than the cost of ammo. DTAC’s engineers maintain and operate the hyper-efficient facility, allowing targeted repeatable training at a fraction of the time and cost. This means more training opportunities for officers on critical skills.

Training slots fill up fast – lock in your preferred dates.
Call our Law Enforcement Specialist to learn more.

Steve Kelley • LE Specialist
407-205-7884 • steve[at]


Seminole County
Sheriff Dennis Lemma

Altamonte Springs Police
Chief James F. Riggs

Sanford Police
Chief Cecil Smith

multisensory real-world experiences


True de-escalation training via live actors on screens in real-time.

Stress Innoculation

Tactical movement, team communication, & calculated decision-making under stress.

Diverse communication

Bias-free policing, EDP engagements, active assailant response.

Physiological biomarker tracking

Helps identify LE’s in need of stress inoculation training.

no negative training

 No negative training such as standing still while getting shot at in a traditional simulator.


Training stats and recordings can automatically get deleted.

Frequently Asked Questions

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