What is an Immersive Shooting Environment?

Decision Tactical’s 360° shooting simulator is a cutting-edge firearms training simulator that allows you to navigate real-world environments and respond to simulated use of force, de-escalation, or less lethal scenarios.

Our simulator offers a safe and effective way for you to experience stress inoculation training scenarios without using live ammunition. Our firearms training system goes beyond traditional ranges by offering a dynamic and interactive experience that mimics everyday scenarios, making it a valuable tool for both those with experience and beginners alike.

How Does Decision Tactical’s Simulator Work?

Decision Tactical offers interactive scenarios for you to train in.

Real Environments, not VR

This realism of moving through actual rooms, hallways, and areas enhances the effectiveness by immersing users in lifelike scenarios that closely resemble actual settings where they may need to use their firearm skills.

Every scenario will introduce you to threats, non-threats, and EDPs. Doors, windows, and obstacles, and sometimes people add a level of realism that cannot be achieved through virtual reality (VR) simulations alone. This hands-on approach helps improve spatial awareness and weapon-handling skills in a controlled yet lifelike setting.

The use of physical environments instead of VR technology ensures your officers are better prepared to apply their skills in commonly experienced situations, creating a more impactful experience overall.

Simulation Equipment & Laser Technology

Decision Tactical utilizes state-of-the-art training simulations and technology to provide law enforcement agencies with a realistic and comprehensive training experience. The training tools and range design include laser-based firearms that mimic the recoil and handling of real firearms, allowing you to safely practice fundamental skills.

Our multi-screen training systems and video scenarios incorporate movement tracking and provide feedback on performance. After-action reports can analyze proficiency and offer individual guidance.

Dynamic Interactive Scenarios

Decision Tactical’s scenario-based training offers interactive customization options, allowing instructors to tailor training exercises to your organization’s specific needs. A wide range of scenarios can be created, from less-lethal drills to complex, high-stress active shooter engagements that include live actors.

Our simulator system can replicate challenges encountered by law enforcement officers and first responders. This flexibility enables trainees to practice critical thinking under pressure, improve officers’ skills, and enhance overall readiness for a range of situations.

By offering interactive customization features, Decision Tactical empowers trainers to design dynamic and engaging sessions that address specific objectives.

Why is Scenario-Based Simulation Training Important?

Reherseing scenarios is crucial because it simulates real-life situations, preparing shooters to make split-second decisions in high-pressure environments. This is essential for ensuring that officers are well-prepared to handle the complexities of actual situations, making it a valuable component of law enforcement training.

Increase Observational Awareness

By immersing trainees in lifelike situations, this method helps increase observational awareness and critical thinking skills.

Sharpen Decision-Making Under Pressure

This approach emphasizes the importance of making decisions under pressure. Cognitive exercises help prepare you to assess threats and respond quickly and effectively.

How Decision Tactical’s Scenario Simulator Enhances Training for Law Enforcement.

Cost-Effectiveness Compared to Force-on-Force

Our system reduces ammo, travel, and equipment costs, making it easier for your organization to conduct frequent, varied sessions. It provides an affordable alternative to traditional force-on-force, offering realistic, repeatable scenarios without logistical complexities.

Real-World Scenario Experience

Our training solutions offer a unique experience – you can move around freely, have realistic interactions, and practice dynamic responses. Unlike other simulators or VR headsets, our setup is designed to closely mimic real-life scenarios, such as active shooter situations, to enhance your situational awareness skills.

Compliments Existing Solutions

Scenario-based exercises complement and integrate with your current curriculum by reinforcing shooting skills learned in live-fire and force-on-force. It provides a consistent training environment with realistic scenarios, ensuring comprehensive skill development and regular practice.

Performance Analysis & Feedback

We track your body positioning, communication, draw initiation, accuracy, and muzzle movement. You gain a comprehensive performance analysis, allowing for precise identification of strengths and areas for improvement. This detailed feedback helps you refine critical skills, ensuring better effectiveness in the real world.

More Shooting Experiences at Decision Tactical